Marco Polo's Toponyms

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Major versions of the manuscripts

Shortly after the book was written, it was translated into many European languages, some likely even in Marco Polo’s own lifetime, but the original manuscripts are now lost. However, most of the manuscripts can be categorized into a few distinct groups.

For example, the first English translation, “The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo”, first published in 1579 by John Frampton, is based on Castilian version “Cosmographia breve introductoria en el libro de Marco Paulo” by Rodrigo de Santaella from 1503, which in turn is a translation of the VA verion of the text.

Critical editions

Beginning in the 19th century, historians, orientalists and sinologists started to study the text more thoroughly, comparing it to just recently accessible Chinese literature, and first attempts at identifying the toponyms and other names were made.

Recent studies